
Commission outlines vision for future of transport

The European Commission has presented its vision for an integrated, technology-led and user-friendly sustainable transport system after 2010, EurActiv reports. The Commission’s communication on sustainable transport, outlining a vision for the future of mobility until 2020, comes after a number of external studies, evaluations of past policies and future scenarios and stakeholder consultations.However, environmental NGOs criticised the the vision for failing to place sufficient emphasis on managing demand and neglecting to put sustainability at the heart of future policies… read more

The European Commission has presented its vision for an integrated, technology-led and user-friendly sustainable transport system after 2010, EurActiv reports. The Commission’s communication on sustainable transport, outlining a vision for the future of mobility until 2020, comes after a number of external studies, evaluations of past policies and future scenarios and stakeholder consultations.However, environmental NGOs criticised the the vision for failing to place sufficient emphasis on managing demand and neglecting to put sustainability at the heart of future policies… read more

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