Finance for Change Evening Reception: The Future of Impact Investing

13. Mai 2016 um 18:30 – 20:30
Friedrichstraße 246
10969 Berlin
Veranstalter: Impact Hub Berlin

Finance for Change Evening Reception: The Future of Impact Investing
May 13th, 18:30
Friedrichstraße 246, 10969 Berlin, Germany

We invite you to an Evening Reception and Discussion on 13 May, 6.30pm at the Impact Hub Berlin at the occasion of Finance for Change F4C Investor Bootcamp which takes place on 13 and 14 May 2016.

The future of impact oriented investing: International experiences and local perspectives

with: Rod Schwartz, Clearly So UK, Ryan Little, BMW Foundation Germany, Karim Harji, Purpose Capital Canada and Lena Gansterer, Investment Ready Programm Impact Hub Vienna.

Moderation by Anja Koenig, Lead Finance for Change and Founder, Social Impact Markets

Finance for Change is a catalytic offering to make the nascent field of impact oriented investing and innovative finance accessible to a wider audience in both the D-A-CH region and other European countries. It has been initiated by Social Impact Markets and Impact Hub Berlin.

Find more information on Finance for Change, the F4C Investor Bootcamp and registration on

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